Reynolds Law Offices believes that the best client is an informed client. A client with a clear understanding of their transaction is better prepared, and can better communicate their needs and concerns to us. We hope the following articles will assist you in your upcoming or pending transaction.
Representing you as a buyer
Choosing the right lender (coming soon)
Working with buyer’s agent (coming soon)
Purchase and Sale Agreements (coming soon)
Offer to Purchase (coming soon)
Seller paid closing costs (coming soon)
Title, title search, and title insurance (coming soon)
Choosing a closing date (coming soon)
Forms of ownership
Declaration of Homestead
Representing you in a refinance (coming soon)
Choosing the right lender (coming soon)
Beware of witness closings (coming soon)
Declaration of Homestead
Choosing a closing date (coming soon)
Paying off an FHA mortgage (coming soon)
Representing you as a seller
List with a Realtor, or sell it yourself? (coming soon)
Purchase and Sale Agreements (coming soon)
Income tax considerations when selling (coming soon)
Paying off an FHA mortgage (coming soon)
Information you need for your will (coming soon)
Dying without a will (coming soon)
Durable power of attorney (coming soon)
Health care proxy (coming soon)
Living will (coming soon)
The probate process (coming soon)
Avoiding probate with trusts (coming soon)
View our brochure How to Find and Buy the Home of Your Dreams